Dr Erin Watson - Founder & Managing Director
PhD, GradCert AppFin, BSocSc, DipMgt, DipBusMgt (HR)
Dr Erin Watson is an internationally renowned expert in public affairs and public policy. Recently named in the Australian’s Top 100 Innovators for Thought Leadership, Erin has advised clients including foreign and domestic governments, big tech on the NYSE, defence industry and more. She has expertise on contemporary and emerging political trends across the Asia Pacific region and what these mean for industry, not-for-profits, and other organisations. An influential communicator with an extensive network across APAC, Erin is experienced in making representations to government, corporate strategy, conducting public policy research, media strategy, and curating and delivering high-level programs and dialogues.
Erin is Sky News Contributor in Australia and appears regularly on international networks including CNN News 18 and iTV NewsX in India and TRT World in Turkey discussing geopolitical developments.
Erin is an experienced keynote speaker, MC, and moderator know for her ability to distill what’s going on in the world and what it means for business. Speaker enquiries can be sent through to ICMI or directly through this website.
What should we know about this product? How is it made, how much does it cost, what color and size is it? Better descriptions result in more sales.
Meet the Global Team
Dominic de Moura McCarthy
Bintang Assyifa
Elisa Shafiqah